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Wallace Stegner
Wallace Stegner


BIBLIOGRAPHY (document archive)

BOOKS (online):






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A River No More: The Colorado River and the West. Philip L. Fradkin.New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1981.

A Story That Stands Like a Dam: Glen Canyon and the Struggle for the Soul of the West. Russell Martin. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1989.

Beyond the Hundredth Meridian, John Wesley Powell and the Second Opening of the West. Wallace Stegner. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1954.

Building the Ultimate Dam: John S. Eastwood and the Control of Water in the West. Donald C. Jackson. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1995.

Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water. Marc Reisner. New York: Penquin Books,1986.

Cenozoic History of the Colorado Plateau, 1956. USGS Professional Paper 279. Charles Butler Hunt.

Damming the West: Ralph Nader's Study Group Report on the Bureau of Reclamation. Richard L. Berkman and W. Kip Viscusi. New York: Grossman Publishers, 1973.

Dead Pool: Lake Powell, Global Warming, and the Future of Water in the West. James L. Powell. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008.

Environmental Management in the Colorado River Basin. A.B. Crawford and D. F. Peterson; USU Press.

Fire on the Plateau: Conflict and Endurance in the American Southwest. Charles F. Wilkenson. Washington DC: Island Press. 1999.

Fuel for Growth: Water and Arizona's Urban Environment. Douglas E. Kupel. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2003.

Glen Canyon and the Persistance of Wilderness. Jared Farmer.

Governing the Commons: The evolution of institutions for collective action. Elinor Ostrom. Cambridge Press, 1990.

Living with Water Scacity. David Zetland.

Overtapped Oasis: Reform or Revolution for Western Water. Marc Reisner and Sarah Bates. Washington D.C.: Island Press, 1990.

Progress Against Growth: Daniel B. Luten on the American Landscape. Thomas R. Vale, Editor. New York: The Guilford Press, 1986.

  • With kind permission from Guilford Press, two chapters are here presented: Energy & Water

Man and Nature. George Perkins Marsh. New York: Scribners. 1864.

Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United States, With a More Detailed Account of the Lands of Utah. John W. Powell. Boston: Harvard Common Press, 1983.

Rivers of Empire: Water, Aridity & the Growth of the American West. Donald Worster. New York: Pantheon Books, 1985.

Salt Dreams: Land & Water in Low-Down California. William deBuys and Joan Myers. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1999.

Still the Wild River Runs: Congress, the Sierra Club and the Fight to Save Grand Canyon. Byron E. Pearson. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 2002 & 2003 book review by Ryder W. Miller and Byron E. Pearson.

The Western Paradox: A Conservation Reader. Bernard DeVoto. Edited by Douglas Brinkley and Patricia Limerick. Yale University Press, 2001

The Politics of Western Water: The Congressional Career of Wayne Aspinall. Stephen C. Sturgeon. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2002.

The Colorado River Compact. Olson, 1926.

The Limits To Growth. Meadows.

The Population Bomb. Ehrlich.

The Tragedy of the Commons. Hardin.

The West Against Itself. Hundley.

To Reclaim a Divided West: Water, Law, and Public Policy, 1848-1902. Donald J. Pisani. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1992.

Vision in the Desert: Carl Hayden and Hydropolitics in the American Southwest. Jack L. August. Fort Worth: Texas Christian University Press, 1999

War for the Colorado River (Vol. I & II). John Upton Terrell, Glendale: The Arthur Clarke Company, 1965.

Water and American Government: The Reclamation Bureau, National Water Policy, and the American West, 1902-1935. Donald J. Pisani. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002.

Water and the West: The Colorado River Compact and the Politics of Water in the American West. Norris Hundley, Jr. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975.

Western Water Policy Review Advisory Commission. University of New Mexico; 1997.

When the Rivers Run Dry: Water: The Defining Crisis of the Twenty-First Century. Fred Pearce. Boston: Beacon Press, 2006.



Abbey, Edward. Desert Solitaire: a Season in the Wilderness. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968.
Down the River. New York: Penguin. 1982.

Baars, Donald. The Geology of the Colorado Plateau. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1983.

Boyer, Diane & Robert H. Webb. Damming Grand Canyon: The 1923 USGS Colorado River Expedition. Logan: Utah State University, 2007.

Brooks, Juanita. John Doyle Lee. Salt Lake City: Howe Press. 1984.
The Mountain Meadow Massacre. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 1964.

Brower, David R. David R. Brower: Environmental Activist, Publicist and Prophet. Berkeley: Bancroft Library Oral History Program, University of California, 1980.

Bureau of Reclamation. The Colorado River: a Comprehensive Report on the Development of Water Resources. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of the Interior, 1947.

Christenson, Andrew. The Last of the Great Expeditions: the Rainbow Bridge Expedition, 1933-38. Flagstaff: Northern Arizona University Press. 1987.

Cohen, Michael P. The History of the Sierra Club: 1892-1970. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books. 1988.

Cole, Sally J. Legacy on Stone: Rock Art of the Colorado Plateau and Four Corners Region. Boulder: Johnson Books. 1990.

Collier, Michael, et al. Dams and Rivers: a Primer on the Downstream Effects of Dams. Denver: US Geological Survey. 2000.

Crampton, Gregory. Ghosts of Glen Canyon. St. George, Publishers Place. 1986.
Land of Living Rock. New York: Knopf, 1972.
Standing Up Country. New York: Knopf, 1964.

Dellenbaugh, Frederick. A Canyon Voyage. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 1984.

Deloria, Vine, Jr., ed. American Indian Policy in the Twentieth Century. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 1985.

DeVoto, Bernard. The Easy Chair. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1955.
The Year of Decision, 1846. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1943.

Dutton, Clarence E. Geology of the High Plateaus in Utah. Washington DC: Government Printing Office. 1880.

Farmer, Jared. Glen Canyon Damned: Inventing Lake Powell and the Canyon Country. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1999.

Fox, Stephen R. John Muir and His Legacy: The American Conservation Movement. Boston: Little Brown, 1981.

Frazier, Kendrick. People of Chaco: a Canyon and Its People. New York: Norton. 1999.

Frost, Kent. My Canyonlands. London: Abelard-Schuman. 1971.

Glennon, Robert.Water Follies: Groundwater Follies and the Fate of America's Fresh Waters.  Washington DC: Island Press. 2004

Goetzman, William H. Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist. New York: Knopf. 1966.

Goldwater, Barry. Delightful Journey Down the Green and Colorado Rivers. Phoenix: Arizona Historical Foundation. 1970.

Grove Karl Gilbert. John Wesley Powell: a Memorial to an American Explorer and Scholar. Chicago: Open Court Publishing. 1903.

Gumerman, George. A View from Black Mesa: the Changing Face of Archaeology. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 1984.

Hall, Edward T. West of the Thirties: Discoveries Among the Navajo and Hopi. New York: Anchor. 1995.

Harmon, David. The Antiquities Act: a Century of American Archaeology, Historic Preservation and Nature Preservation. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 2006.

Harvey, Mark W. T. A Symbol of Wilderness: Echo Park and the American Conservation Movement. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. 1994.

Hays, Samuel T. Conservation and the Gospel of Efficiency: the Progressive Conservation Movement, 1890-1920. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1959.

Hundley, Norris. The Great Thirst: Californians and Water, 1770-1990s. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1992.

Hurt, R. Douglas. Indian Agriculture in America: Prehistory to the Present. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press. 1987.

Hyde, Philip. A Glen Canyon Portfolio. Flagstaff: Northland Press. 1979.

Ickes, Harold. The Secret Diaries of Harold Ickes. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1955.

Ives, Joseph C. Report Upon the Colorado River of the West. US Army of Topographic Engineers. 1861.

Jacobs, Lynn. Wasting the West: Public Lands Ranching. Tucson: Jacobs Press. 1991.

Jennings, Jesse D. Glen Canyon: a Summary. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. 1966.

Kramer, Dale. The Truth About the Farm Bureau. Denver: Golden Bell. 1964.

Kurten, Bjorn and Anderson, Elaine. Pleistocene Mammals of North America. New York: Columbia University Press. 1980.

Lavender, David. River Runners of the Colorado. Grand Canyon: Grand Canyon Naitonal History Association, 1985.

Lee, Katie. All My Rivers Are Gone: a Journey of Discovery Through Glen Canyon. Boulder: Johnson Books. 1998.

  • Sandstone Seduction: Rivers and Lovers, Canyons and Friends. Boulder: Johnson Books. 2004.

Leopold, Aldo. Sand County Almanac. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1949.

Leopold, Luna. Luna Leopold Bibliography

Leydet, François. Grand Canyon: Time and the River Flowing. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1964.

Limerick, Patricia Nelson.

  • Desert Passage: Encounters with the American Desert. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. 1985.
  • Something in the Soil: Legacies and Reckonings in the New West. New York: Norton. 2000.
  • The Legacy of Conquest: the Unbroken Past of the American West. New York: W.W. Norton. 1987.

Loeffler, Jack. Adventures with Ed: a Portrait of Abbey. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. 2003.

Lowitt, Richard. The New Deal and the West. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 1993.

Luckert, Karl W. Navajo Mountain and Rainbow Bridge Religion. Flagstaff: Museum of Northern Arizona. 1977.

Madsen, Steven K.  Exploring Desert Stone: John N. Macomb's 1859 Expedition to the Canyonlands of the Colorado.  Logan: Utah State University Press, 2010.

Martin, Paul, ed. Quarternary Extinctions: a Prehistoric Revolution. Tucson: University of Arizona. 1984.

Martinez, Oscar J. Troublesome Borders. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 1986.

Macomb, John and John S. Newberry. Report of the Exploring Expedition from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to the Junction of the Grand and Green Rivers of the Great Colorado of the West in 1859. Government Printing Office. 1876.

McCarthy, G. Michael. Hour of Trial: the Conservation Conflict in Colorado and the West, 1891-1907. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 1977.

McNamee, Gregory. Gila: the Life and Death of an American River. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. 1994.

McNitt, Frank. The Indian Traders. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 1962.

McPhee, John. Encounters with the Archdruid. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 1971.

McPherson, Robert. Sacred Land, Sacred View: Navajo Perceptions of the Four Corners Region. Provo: Signature Books. 1992.

McWilliams, Carey. Southern California: an Island Upon the Land. Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith. 1973.

Meloy, Ellen. Eating Stone: Imagination and the Loss of the Wild. New York: Vintage. 1997.

  • Raven's Exile: a Season on the Green. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 2003.
  • The Last Cheater's Waltz: Beauty and Violence in the Southwest. New York: Henry Holt. 1999.

Meyer, Michael. Water in the Hispanic Southwest. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 1984.

Nabhan, Gary Paul. The Desert Smells Like Rain. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 1985.

Nash, Roderick. The Rights of Nature: a History of Environmental Ethics. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. 1989.

  • Wilderness and the American Mind. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1982.

Newberry, John Strong. Exploring Expedition of 1857.

Nichols, John. On the Mesa. Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith. 1986.

Oelschlaeger, Max. The Idea of Wilderness from Prehistory to the Age of Ecology. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1991.

Ortiz, Alfonso. The Tewa World: Space, Time, Being and Becoming in a Pueblo Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1969.

Elinor Ostrom. Governing the Commons: The evolution of institutions for collective action. Cambridge Press, 1990.

Palmer, Tim. Endangered Rivers and the Conservation Movement. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1982.

Parman, Donald. Indians and the American West in the Twentieth-Century. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 1994.

Perry, Richard. Apache Reservation: Indigenous Peoples and the American State. Austin: University of Texas Press. 1993.

Pinchot, Gifford. Breaking New Ground. New York: Harcourt Brace. 1947.

Porter, Eliot. The Place No One Knew: Glen Canyon and the Colorado River. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books. 1963.

Powell, John Wesley. The Exploration of the Colorado River and Its Canyons. Mineola: Dover. 1961.

Pyne, Stephen.

  • Fire in America: a Cultural History of Wildland and Rural Fire. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1982.
  • How the Canyon Became Grand: a Short History. New York: Penguin. 1999.
  • Karl Grove Gilbert: a Great Engine of Research. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press. 2007.

Rea, Amadeo. Once a River. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 1983.

Richardson, Elmo. Dams, Parks and Politics: Resource Development and Preservation in the Truman-Eisenhower Era. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press. 1973.

Ringholz, Ray. Uranium Frenzy. Provo: Utah State University Press. 2002.

Roberts, David. In Search of the Old Ones: Exploring the Anasazi World of the Southwest. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1996.

Roberts, David. Once They Moved Like the Wind: Cochise, Geronimo and the Apache Wars. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1993.

Robinson, Michael C. Water for the West: the Bureau of Reclamation, 1902-1977. Chicago: Public Works Historical Society. 1979.

Rohlf, Daniel. The Endangered Species Act: a Guide to Its Protections and Implementation. Stanford: Stanford Environmental Law Society. 1989.

Rowley, W. D. Reclaiming the Arid West: the Career of Francis G. Newlands. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 1996.

Rusho, W. L. Everett Reuss: a Vagabond for Beauty. Salt Lake City: Gibbs M. Smith, 1983.

Stegner, Wallace, ed. This is Dinosaur: Echo Park Country and Its Magic Rivers. New York: Knopf, 1955.

Sterling, Keir B. The Last of the Naturalists: the Career of C. Hart Merriam. New York: Arno. 1977.

Stevens, Joseph E. Hoover Dam: an American Adventure. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 1988.

Thompson, Gerald. The Army and the Navajo. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 1976.

Tobin, Richard. Expendable Frontier: U.S. Politics and the Protection of Biological Diversity. Durham: Duke University Press. 1990.

Udall, Morris. Too Funny to be President. New York: Henry Holt. 1988.

Udall, Stewart. The Quiet Crisis. New York: Holt, Reinhart & Winston. 1963.

Urrea, Luis Alberto. Across the Wire: Life and Hard Times on the Mexican Border. New York: Doubleday. 1993.

Utley, Robert M. The Indian Frontier of the American West: 1846-1890. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. 1984.

Walton, John. Western Times and Water Wars: State, Culture and Rebellion in California. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1992.

Warne, William. The Bureau of Reclamation. New York: Praeger. 1973.

Waterman, Jonathian. Running Dry: A Journey from Source to Sea Down the Colorado River. National Geographic. 2010.

Watkins, T. H. Righteous Pilgrim: the Life and Times of Harold L. Ickes. New York: Henry Holt. 1990.

Webb, Robert H., et al. Cataract Canyon: a Human and Environmental History of the Rivers in Canyonlands. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. 2004.

Webb, Walter Prescott.

Weber, David. The Spanish Frontier in North America. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1992.

White, Richard. It's your misfortune and None of My Own: a New History of the American West. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 1991.

Wiley, Peter and Gottlieb, Robert. Empires in the Sun: the Rise of the New American West. New York: Putnam, 1982.

Wilkinson, Charles. Crossing the Next Meridian: Land, Water and the Future of the West. Washington, D. C.: Island Press. 1992.

Williams, Terry Tempest.

  • An Unspoken Hunger: Stories from the Field. New York: Vintage. 1995.
  • Red: Passion and Patience in the Desert. New York: Pantheon. 2001.
  • Refuge: an Unnatural History of Family and Place. New York: Pantheon. 2000.

Worster, Donald

  • Rivers of Empire. Oxford Press. 1985. Epilogue (a vision statement).
  • Dust Bowl: the Southern Plains in the 1930s. New York: Oxford University Press. 1979.
  • Nature's Economy: a History of Ecological Ideas. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1977.
  • Under Western Skies: Nature and History in the American West. New York: Oxford University Press. 1992.
  • The Wealth of Nature. New York: Oxford University Press. 1993.

Young, Robert W. A Political History of the Navajo Tribe. Tsaile, Arizona: Navajo Community College Press. 1978.



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