On The Colorado

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The Colorado River Basin drains parts of( Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico,(Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming and is vital to (the economy, culture, and ecology of the region. Aquifers underlying the Colorado River basin provide, in addition to other uses, about 875,000 acre-ft per year of fresh water to the nearly40 million inhabitants of the region and about 2 million acre-ft per year of fresh water to agriculture for irrigation. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with 12 stakeholders, monitors routine groundwater levels in about 110 wells and project-focused groundwater levels in another 330 wells throughout the Colorado River Basin to inform short and long-term water resource planning decisions.

  • 431 wells with current water-level information
  • 72 wells monitored continuously and data available online
  • 25 wells monitored continuously, but data are not available online
  • Longevity of Records, are as follows:
  • 213 - Number of wells with 10+ years of data
  • 16 - Number of wells with 50+ years of data
  • 2018 Groundwater Levels are as follows:
  • 22 - Number of wells with record high levels
  • 102 - Number of wells with record low levels *based on 5+ years or more of data


1995 - USA Groundwater Atlas. USGS.

1995 - Groundwater Atlas of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah

1995 - Groundwater Atlas of California and Nevada

1995 - Groundwater Atlas of Basin and Range Aquifers

1999 - Land Subsidence in the United States. Galloway et al.

2005 - Estimated Withdrawals from Principle Aquifers in the United States, 2000. Maupin and Barber. Maupin and Barber. 2005.

2005 - Estimated use of water in the United States. US Geological Survey.

2006 - Dissected hydrologic system at the Grand Canyon: Interaction between deeply derived fluids and plateau aquifer waters in modern springs and travertine. Crossey.

2007 - Groundwater [Natural] Recharge in the Arid and Semiarid Southwestern United States. Stonestrom et al. 

2008 - Groundwater Availibility in the United States. Reilly et al

2014  - Groundwater Depletion During Drought Threatens Future Water Securit in the Colorado River Basin. Castle et al.

2016 - The Importance 0f Base Flow in Sustaining Surface Water Flow in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Miller.

2016 - Hydrologic Asessment of Surface and Water Resources in Castle Valley, UT; Analysis and Water Budget;Final Report Phase 1

2017 - How Much Groundwater Did California's Central Valley Lose During the 2012 - 2016 Drought? Xiao et al.


Water Follies: Groundwater Follies and the Fate of America's Fresh Waters. 


Dam Operations
Public Notices


Back of Beyond Books
Barbara Anne Morra Memorial
Canyon Country Rising Tide
Canyonlands Watershed Council
Celebrating the Grand Canyon
Center for Biological Diversity
Colorado River Connected
Colorado Riverkeeper
Corey Allen Hale Memorial
Dive Into Democracy
Five Quail Books
Frank West Bering, Jr. Memorial
Friends of the Earth
Going Solar
Great Basin Water Network
Green River Action Network
Holiday River Expeditions
Las Vegas Water Defender
Living Rivers
New Belgium Brewing Company
O.A.R.S White Water Rafting
Paul Henderson Memorial
Peaceful Uprising
People's Energy Movement
Resource Renewal Institute
Returning Rapids Project
Rig To Flip
River Runners for Wilderness
Save The Colorado
Serena Supplee Gallery
Sheep Mountain Alliance
Steaming Bean Coffee Company
Tom Till Photography
Upper Colorado River Watershed Group
Upper Green River Network
Uranium Watch
Utah Rivers Council
Utah Tar Sands Resistance
Wabi Sabi
Waterkeeper Alliance

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